Telehealth Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to participate?

Clients participating will need Zoom video conferencing software downloaded on a computer or cell phone and a quiet space to talk privately–that’s it!

What is the process like for a new client?

After you have scheduled your virtual session with one of our providers, our team will send you an email with an invitation to the patient portal. In the patient portal you will find the forms you will need to fill out before your first appointment as well as the ability to message your provider and view your upcoming appointments. About 24 hours before your scheduled appointment, you will be sent an email with the zoom link to access your appointment.

How do I connect to my Telehealth appointment?

Click here for an instructional document on how to access your Telehealth session!

How do I login to the patient portal?

Click here for an instructional document on how to access your Patient Portal Account!